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Yoginetindia@gmail.com |
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Hosting Explained
For a website to be made available on the Internet, it has to be hosted on a web server. This is where web hosting comes in. It's just like renting property. There are plenty of companies that will rent you space on a web server. The wide range of services start from free hosting to buying a server for your sole use. You could spend thousands of dollars a year on web hosting alone. You need this so that other people can view your web page. Choosing a web host is very important. Choosing the right host first will save you a lot of problems in the long run, because it takes a while to transfer websites from one host to another if you're not happy with your first host. Choosing a host is not an easy task. There are so many features, services and options to consider. The most important factor is making sure that the host you choose will provide everything that you need. Web hosting plans Web hosting plans range from free personal homepage hosting to large global corporate websites. Read on for information on the different packages. Free Non-Virtual Hosting If you need somewhere to host a personal website then choosing a web host is a much-simplified task. There are plenty of free hosts that will host your website at no cost to you, giving you space in a directory under their domain, e.g. 'www.thehost.com/yourname/'. The catch is that you may have to carry some banners or mention the free hosts name somewhere on your site. Free Virtual Hosting If you are connected to the internet you will have an ISP Provider eg: bigpond. Is it common these days to be given free personal space which you can use for your web site. Be aware though, when you get free space from a free host, you will have advertising on your site. When you purchase your own domain name and your own Web space, you will not have ads on your site. You don't have ads because the Web host is supported by the money you pay them for the space. Virtual hosting is the most common plan purchased. It allows people starting a serious business or money making website to get online at a low cost to begin with, and they can increase the services they require as their website grows. A typical virtual hosting plan can range from $10 to $30 per month, depending on the features that you require. Before choosing your hosting package, you should identify what your needs are. With all hosting plans, there will be some facilities that you need and some offered to you that you don't need. Make sure you focus on the essentials that are required to launch your website. You may want all the nice extras but may not use them. It's also a good idea to try and pick a host that will allow you to expand and increase your plan as and when your website grows. If you want to start selling online, an additional e-commerce option for an extra fee will be easier and quicker to implement than looking for and transferring to a new host. |