Getting the best Keywords for your Website
What are Keywords?
Keywords’ are particularly important due to the fact that search engines use them to catalogue the information contained within your web-pages. This means that inserting the correct keywords into your website and meta-tags can make a big difference to your ranking within search engine results.
Getting the right number of keywords, a balance between specific and more generalised terms and the keyword density within the actual text of your web-pages is an essential part of the design process. As your site develops it may be necessary to ‘tweak’ your keywords as part of your Search engine Optimization
Keywords are ‘triggers’ for your website. Basically if you want your website to be displayed on the page when somebody searches for eg ‘paper plates’ then you use the keyword ‘paper plate’

To get the best keywords for your website
I will:
- Visit your major competitors’ sites, view their source code, and see what key phrases and words they are using. A competitive analysis can help determine what keywords and phrases your competitors are using and what is working for them.
- Include the “most used” words that are mentioned above somehow on your site.
- Look at the source code of some pages that are ranking high in a search. Try to match their keyword “density” and placement.
- Put your keywords at or near the top of the body section of your page. Some search engines don’t read the whole page.
- Keep trying! After your pages have been submitted and indexed, do searches and see how you rank. View the source of the pages that rank higher than your page, and try to copy their keyword placement style. Then re-submit. With persistence. This SEO is continued for the first 12 months as part of my design fee.
I will not:
- Spam the search engines.
- Use words that don’t apply to your site.
- Use keywords that are not appropriate to your site just to generate traffic. If the search engines and directories find out they may delete your site from their databases.
- Over-use a keyword or phrase on a page